+98 914 005 0221

Questions about Varzaneh

frequently asked questions

How to come Varzaneh from Esfahan?

You can go to the " Jey " terminal in Esfahan and these are the hours that buses leave for Varzaneh from there on working days:
8:30 - 10:30 - 12:00 - 13:30 - 15:30 - 18:30
And these are the hours in holidays:
9:30 - 17:00
We can also arrange a taxi to pick you up from your place in Esfahan and drive you directly to our place in Varzaneh.

How to come Varzaneh from Yazd?

You can take the Yazd-Isfahan buses and ask the driver to drop you off at Varzaneh crossroad where you have 30 km to Varzaneh and then you can easily hitchhike or ask us to arrange a taxi and the taxi costs 1,000,000 Rilas.

We can also arrange a taxi to pick you up from your place in Yazd and drive you directly to our place in Varzaneh.

How to go Esfahan from Varzaneh?

You can go by direct bus from Varzaneh and these are the hours that buses leave on working days:
6:00 - 7:00 - 8:00 - 10:00 - 14:00
And these are the hours in holidays:
We can also arrange a taxi to drive you to Esfahan.

How to go Yazd from Varzaneh?

You can take the Isfahan-Yazd buses at Varzaneh crossroad which is 30 km away from Varzaneh. We arrange a taxi for this 30 km which costs 1,000,000 Rilas. We will call the bus driver in advance and ask him to stop there for you.

We can also arrange a taxi to drive you directly to your place in Yazd.